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Showing posts from March, 2011


I can't seem to fall in love, to save this great big world. Maybe it's only me, but how could I ever know? Maybe it was always you. What do I keep doing this for? When will I learn? Please talk to me girl, Why do you run from me? I need you more then you know. Where is this so called home? There's no where else to go. I am under the ground. Tell me if you want to be lonely? Tell me if there is someone else, or is that me as well? Walk up to me now like we just met, grab my hand let's take the next step. I need you more then ever, because nobody can save me now. I am under and I can't get out. Break into me now, I need you more then you know. I'll swim to your beauty, I'll give you a new me, and I'll do this all for you. Please don't hate me now. I am under the ground!


This is so predictable the feeling in my body is emptiness, fill me up right now, I am empty. Let the reality float back to the top. I just want to feel you inside of me again. I wake up I fall asleep I stand up then I fall back down. Today I feel nothing, I could breakdown and cry, but for another day I feel nothing. Some days I wake up and I close my eyes, Sometimes I remember, but most of the time I forget. I wake up, I eat breakfast, I fall asleep. I lied, Would have killed me, Could have died. and then finally I leave.........