During the last week I have been looking for a show that really intrigues me, but I was unsuccessful. I continue to watch for something. Clicking that remote over and over finding nothing, but disappointment. Lost? Burn Notice? I watch, but there is nothing I connect to. It is like when you go to the theater and watch that big coming attraction movie, and when it is over you want to see those characters again because you can relate to them. Well there is nothing on TV right now that comes close to the killing of Dexter. If your not a fan, or never heard of the show I give you my word that this show tops everything on TV. The truth is that I’m addicted and I won’t loosen my grip. To be honest I don’t have Showtime which it airs on, and I missed Season’s 1 and 2. I can’t watch season 3. I recently bought the pilot on iTunes and it has changed my life. This show gives me life in my writing. I am now almost at the end of Season 2 and I want to stop because Season 3 doesn’t come out on DVD until September, but I can not look away. Even when the TV is off my head is wandering back and forth. What will happen next? I know it’s going to be over soon, and I will have to wait. This is the best show I have ever seen. As a writer myself this has inspirited me to write my own murder story. I may not be able to watch it on Showtime, but I will buy the DVD’s and through there I will continue to be a fan. Great Plot, Great Acting, Great Writing, Great Fun.