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Is it "Free" or Could this be the end?

It’s so strange to believe that nothing in this world is free, but we put so much time and effort into making people believe that it is. The price for free things feels like so much more then it is worth. This passed Friday I decided to drive down to Kittyhawk, North Carolina for a “free” Dental Clinic. What they didn’t advertise was the fact that to get free dental work you would have to stand out in the freezing cold for over 9 hours. My first thoughts when walking up to the line at 12:30am was, is this really worth it all? How long can my body take of this? Am I really willing to go through hell just for a little pain relief? As I stood there I began to pray, but not for me at first, I prayed for my Fiancee's family. At that point the struggle I was in wasn’t that important to me, they were. As the morning went on I met this guy that was nice enough to let me go to my truck to warm up for an hour while he saved my spot in line. It was the first time in a very long time I felt that I could trust him, a stranger. As time went on the line behind me continued to get longer, and the wind just kept getting colder. It was no longer than a week ago I complained about standing in line at Fright Night for about 40mins. I remember exaggerating it to about 4 hours. What I found weird was about mid-week, I read in the Bible about you should stop your exaggeration, and lies, or nobody will be able to trust what you say. Maybe they relate to each other, but I really don’t know. Most of the people were wrapped up in blankets sleeping on the ground and on fold out chairs. Honestly I didn’t come as prepared as I should have. I stood up 90% of the time, the 10% I would sit of the cold ground. When the late night finally reached the early morning my thoughts shifted from “I can do this” to “LETS GO, MOVE!” There was no reason for me to quit now that the Dentists and staff were starting to show up, and prepare. At this point I couldn’t feel my feet, and it seemed that almost everyone in line was smoking a cigarette. When they promised to open and start at 6am they really meant 8am. With no sleep and no food I began to crash…I continued to pray for strength. When they finally let people move up in line, they had to go through a sign up process that took longer than the mornings 5 hour wait. This is when some people decided to get here at 8 am, and try to skip the people that have been here all night. I mean it never fails, there always has to be someone that thinks they are above the rules, and can do whatever they want. Don’t worry they were forced to the back of the line. By the time 9: 30am rolled around I was finally in the process of getting signed up, and getting X-rays. This took about a half an hour to forty minutes. After almost killing myself from standing out in the cold for 9 hours, I have finally made it inside the building. After all that waiting, being inside was actually the quickest process. I got my flu shot, and then without a break they were ready to pull my teeth out. By 10:30am I was back on the road. They numbed me up pretty good, I felt amazing afterwards almost like it never happened at all. I was on cloud nine, until that shit wore off. My face hurt so badly, I have never in my life felt something so horrible. It reminds me of Jesus and all of the pain he went through to save us from our sin. I thought I couldn’t even take this little amount of pain, and he went through all of that. By that night my skin was frozen, my body was sore, and even after sleeping I was still so tired. The pain in my face would not let up at all. I slept through the night, and woke up at 4 am spitting up blood and in pain. Now, I know that I just got my teeth pulled for free, but was it really free? I put my body, and my mind through a rough situation. There is a part of me that feels that I did pay a price for something that was said to be free. I guess in the end the same line comes out, “Nothing in this life is free”. Now think about what I just went though, and now remember that homeless people go through this every day, standing in lines for food, and shelter. How selfish and greedy are we? There were at least a hundred people there that could afford dental work on their own. This is the same situation as restaurants giving away free food for a year to people that can afford it. It’s just another example of how people are so worried about people across seas, but they can’t even help people in America. Oh, how America is drowning in sin. Will things like this be the cause to our end?


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