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Supernatural: Saving People, Hunting Things the Family Business

In this show we see two brothers that have given up a normal life for the family business. Hunting things, and saving people. Since first seeing the boys back in 2005, one of the things I will never forget about this show is these characters and their willingness to fight the good fight. The show is a classic good vs. evil, and who will come out on top. During the years the Winchesters have lost their mother Mary Winchester, their father John Winchester, friends and fellow hunters Jo, Ellen Harvelle and many more have bit it in seven years. In this life there is only one goal for them, and it is to survive this corrupt world. It is really not clear whether they will ever have a normal life. Sam had his while attending Stanford years ago and Dean had his after living with Ben and Lisa for an entire year. Both situations ended badly giving the boys the idea of maybe they won't ever have a normal life before they die. I find that this show to be at a level of real to life. Maybe I am not fighting monsters, but this life is a struggle every day, and sometimes we have to dig deep inside ourselves and continue to fight for what we believe in. Every day this is a struggle to just keep your head up, and staying focused on what needs to be done. I can really feel the pain on the faces of Sam and Dean. Although it is just a show on TV imagine a life where everyone you ever knew had died, and there is nothing you could do about it. Believe it or not there are monsters out there in the world maybe not supernatural ones, but people that kill for pleasure.
How can it be so wrong to want to help people? There are people out there like Sam and Dean they spend their lives out there saving people, protecting us. Maybe Sam and Dean’s pain isn’t real, but that pain isn’t unheard of. In Season 4 the character Castiel was introduced to the show. In my opinion it was amazing. Finally a show that doesn't just stay grounded they try new ideas. As a Christian I didn't jump into a fiery rant because it wasn't just like my beliefs. I thought it was awesome. Whether we believe in God or not there is a part of us that wonders, what is really out there? Why do we have such a great concern with Characters on TV shows? In the last 7 years Supernatural has lived up to their name. Supernatural goes above and beyond more than any other show on TV. I read a lot of people complaining about the story every year, and I don't understand it. There is no other show like this on the TV, and once it's over everyone's going to be wishing it wasn't. I believe that the writers do a great job. Why can't we just enjoy something for once in our lives? Let them tell the story. As fans we feel like we need to get our way, and nothing is ever good enough for us. Jared and Jensen do an amazing job as these characters, and I am pleased with where they are going. It's new. It’s different. When Angel got canceled I thought I would never find a show that I would like again. When I started watching Supernatural I fell in love with everything. Yes season one set the stage for the show, but it can't be monster of the week for seven seasons there has to be some type of plot evolved.
As Christians I feel like we can watch this show and think that this isn’t real, and I would never put myself out there like they do. When it comes to God, and Angels, Demons how different is that? Of course we can’t see them, but there is this war going on every day for our well-being. This show may not be 100% the truth, and why do we expect it to be? But the fight of these brothers is something we need to be paying attention too. Yes, they aren’t Christians, but they have this fight in them that most of us don’t even know we have. They show something so much deeper than just any other TV show. As long as this show is on it continues to fight. Even as a whole with ratings, and in the fan-base. We can be just like this. We can be faithful. We can be loving and help those in need. We can fight for our families, and show that we aren’t giving up even with the Devil inside our heads. I will forever be a fan of this Show.


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