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I am a Nerd and A little obsessed

   In the last ten years I have been the loser, the coward, and the scared. I have been the brokenhearted, and the depressed. I have been sheltered and the wimp. I have been the geek and the laughed at, but right now in this very moment, I am the Nerd. When I was a kid the word Nerd was deemed as an insult, and today I take it in stride. Today the word Nerd means something else, cool, hipster, brave, and in some cases popular. I was one of those kids that grow up watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon from the 80’s that had the matching pajamas, and the each turtle action figure. I watched all of the Live Action Films and dreamed of them making a new one. A Nerd is a person, typically described as being overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired. Okay maybe I am not overly intellectual, but I am can be obsessive and social impaired. Since I was a kid I obsessed over Video Games like; Super Mario Brothers, Asteroids, Duck Hunt, Twisted Metal, and Sports Game Made by EA Sports. Through my teen years I would consistently play NBA Live (1998-2009), and Madden (1998-2011) every single day after school. I spent a lot of time on these games creating players, and playing through the seasons. Let’s just say I had a bit of a problem. The good thing was that I finally broke my obsession from these video games and in all honestly it was because a girl. But even though that obsession was over my following of every NFL, NBA, NHL and once MLB game continued. This obsession started back in 1999 and went on until 2012. This was a problem because it came before everything in my life. The truth is the day I realized that these sporting events didn’t matter to my life I went cold turkey. Now I do catch a game here and there but I am okay if I miss one; for example for someone who LOVES basketball I missed most of the NBA this season. I guess I have more important things in my life right now, and she will always come first.
   Even though I had to learn what was more important in my life like Jesus is way more important than football on Sundays. I have still had some obsessions or times where I have “Nerded out” In recent years I have been really into comic books, Superhero’s. I have come to the point where I don’t really care if it is a cartoon I will watch it. Justice League, Adventure Time, and Superman: Doomsday, Batman: Year One, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths these are just a few. But I guess I have digressed from my childhood days. I did just recently watched Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, and then watched the Avengers, does that make me obsessed? I am really excited in seeing Man of Steel. I recently got into Comics like; All New X-Men, Avengers Assemble, Injustice- Gods Among Us, Justice League, and The Walking Dead. I feel like each day that goes by I become more and more immersed into the things around me, and the fun doesn’t stop there. I love music and I am always or at least the last five years have been on a consistent search for new and interesting bands, and then there is TV shows, well let’s not go there. Besides being a complete Superhero Nerd I seem to have a bit of a problem. Now I can say that these things don’t take up all my time, and I can stop if I want to, so I am not being controlled. But how will this shape the rest of my life I do now I am only going to get busier, so I guess the things that are most important will come out on time, and these distractions will fade in the distance just like the sports did. It is crazy to look back at all those years and see myself lost in this games, movies, television, and I wonder why I am not very social. Maybe I need to start working on that. In all honesty I do spend a lot of time in my Church and in College so maybe I am more obsessed with those? Oh and my favorite superhero is Superman, My favorite Superhero movie so far is The Avengers with The Dark Knight in a close second. I do still play Video Games and I am excited for The Last of Us, and The New Turtles Game. If you have any questions or want to let me know your favorites I like to read, so type away.


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