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TOP 20 Albums Of the first half of 2011....

20.) Death Cab For A Cutie - Codes & Keys
19.) Seether - Holding On To Strings Better Left To Fray
18.) Taking Back Sunday - Self Titled
17.) Cake - Showroom of Compassion
16.) Arctic Monkeys - Suck It And See
15.) Bright Eyes - The People's Key
14.) Cage The Elephant - Thank You Happy Birthday
13.) Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues
12.) Noah & The Whale - Last Night On Earth
11.) Sondre Lerche - Self Tilted
10.) Kopek - White Collar Lies
9.) Beastie Boys - Hot Sause Committee Part 2
8.) Foo Fighters - Wasting Light
7.) Matthew Good - Lights Of Endangered Species
 6.) Radiohead - The King Of Limbs
5.) The Strokes - Angles
4.) The Decemberists - The King Is Dead
3.) City And Colour - Little Hell
2.) Iron & Wine - Kiss Each Other Clean
1.) TV On The Radio - Nine Types Of Light

Other Notable Albums:
Christina Perri - Lovestrong
Augustana - Self Titled
Alkaline Trio - Damnesia
Bayside - Killing Time
The Civil Wars - Barton Hollow
David Cook - This Loud Morning
Blindside -With Shivering Hearts We Wait
All Time Low - Dirty Work
The Antlers - Burst Apart
Abandon - Control
Danger Mouse - Rome
Eddie Vedder - Ukulele Songs
Dredg - Chuckles And Mr. Squeezy
Incubus - If Not Now, When?
Grieves - Together/ Apart
Foster the People - Torches
Flogging Molly - Speed Of Darkness
The Low Anthem - Smart Flesh
Matt Nathanson - Modern Love


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