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Is It God, or Just Luck?

As a young Christian there are a lot of things that I don’t understand, and searching for them has been amazing. I know that I will spend a lot of time this year studying the word of God, more than any other year. So the first thing that caught my eye was the idea of Chance, and Luck. How do you know that someone was put in your life out of randomness? Well as Christians it says in the bible that we shouldn’t believe in these things because God is in the workings of all aspects of our lives. Ephesians 1:11 “In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will,” So let’s say you meet someone, and you fall in love, but you did everything wrong in the relationship, so God splits you up, what do you do now? Depending on how you still feel about each other I would say to start again, but put your focus on God. As of free will we have the ability to choose love, so the way I feel is that if you have that moment in your life where you both still feel strongly about each other, why not come back together? If we both put God first in the relationship, what is the worst that can happen? If anything you’ll both have love, you’ll grow as Christians, and have learned more. If it doesn’t work out does that mean that it wasn’t God will? Well if you dated and took all the wrong steps, and you loved each other, why won’t God split you up? Maybe God saw that you weren’t focusing on him, and wanted you both to see it as well.  Matthew 10:29-30 “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care and even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” God wants us to focus on him whether in a relationship or single. God loves us; he wants the best for our lives. As a young believer I feel like why shouldn’t you take it to the next step, and trying again? I mean you’re not only stepping out in faith, but you also testing God’s will for your lives. If you look at the possibilities of loving someone and taking all the right steps both people will be learning and growing.
Okay so now you get back together, and you both see a big change in one another from the last time, how is this different from leaving it up to pure luck, or chance that maybe one day 2 years or 10 years that you will back together? Well with luck, and Chance there are possibilities of understanding in your head about what might happen. You can narrow your odds, whereas for God you don’t know what His will for your life will be. It’s like rolling dice it’s possible to roll a 1, 3 times in a row one minute, and then the next you find it impossible. Of course nothing is impossible with God, but that still doesn’t mean it’s His will.  “We do not have the curtains drawn back to see what is taking place in heaven, we cannot always determine whether God’s active or passive will is involved in the events of our lives, but we do know that all things that take place are under the umbrella of His will, whether active or passive, and, therefore, nothing is a matter of mere chance. When a person rolls the dice to play a board game, God may sometimes cause the dice to land a certain way, but more often than not in such inconsequential matters, He may allow the dice to land as His laws of nature would determine without any active involvement, but even when He is not actively involved, how the dice land is still under His sovereignty.” We can’t predict what will happen in 2 years, or in 10 years. We can’t predict how we will feel about that other person in that amount of time. We can predict that we won’t fall in love with someone else, and spend the rest of our lives with them. So, what I am getting at is why not try again. If anything you will become closer friends in Christ.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”


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