I feel that the true me is hiding inside of me, and I'm so scared to let it out. Everything you think you know about Chris Caputi is most likely wrong, I'm here to set him free. I feel like Chris is something your forced to wear, He wakes up everyday of his life and hides whatever he is feeling inside. The pain, The hate, oh there is so much hate. He hides everything down, and I am forced to deal with it because I'm trapped in this body. This is the same guy that can't speak to women and really feels that starting to go to Church is going to make him better. This is the same guy that for gave is father, but what I feel inside is the truth. Writing is stupid little poems thinking that all his hurt and pain will just go away. This is the same guy when he sees someone he hates we shuts his mouth, and walks away. He is really afraid of being alone for the rest of his life. The truth is that nobody really likes him, he really thinks that he is going to be a great writer. Be...