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Busy Writing!

I'm Currently writing three short stories; The Devil's Solider, One Christmas Eve Night part 1, One Christmas Eve Night part 2: Nightmare, and Blood part 1. I'm mostly done with OCEN pt 1 and 2 I'm just editing them. I began The Devil's Solider about two years ago. It was originally going to be a novel, but I decided to make it a short story. I really don't know what Blood is about besides The main character beginning to turn into a Vampire. I wanted to try to make it up as I go. The last big thing I'm writing is the Screenplay for OCEN. I should be finished about Christmas time. I never really had an interest in scary movies, until about three years ago. I used to just write poetry, but I wanted to challenge myself by writing scary stories. I have to be honest and say I have gotten more and more creative in 2005 when a show called Supernatural began. Another thing that I wanted to say was that the idea of OCEN was from Supernatural's Christmas episode in their third season. If that is not busy enough for you then I have to mention that I'm also working at a sporting goods store, going to college full time. Wait, I'm preparing for a character in a film that I'll be working on next June, all of this while helping back stage of Night of the Living Dead.


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