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A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010) Review

     First off, I liked the new Freddy! Of course, I knew before they casted it, that Robert Englund rejected the role, and I was fine with that."He can't play that character forever, even though I wish he would."
At times I jumped. I have to say that I liked the casting for this film. It was good to see some new faces, and not the same old famous actors. The writing wasn't bad, but I wish they would've done a little more with how Fred became Freddy. "So you get burned for doing horrible things to kids, and you become a master of controlling dreams (Demon)" I wished there was more. 
     I found myself not following the story, and just waiting for the next kill. Plus they introduced, and focused on the kids that were going to die next. I thought it would have been better if they surprised us a bit. I did get bored, only because I knew what was going to happen. I didn't think the kids had a chance. I mean they thought about pulling out Freddy in two seconds, and didn't really have a plan. They should have done more with that. If I'm not mistaking but wasn't Freddy afraid of Fire? I don't know it's been awhile since I saw the originals. I didn't want to compare this to them.
    I was reading a review before I saw the movie, and this guy described the beginning with a party, but when I saw it. It started with a diner. I'm wondering if I missed any other scenes?
   Overall, Jackie played Freddy Awesome! I'm going to see it again. I would say that if you're a fan of horror films of the 2000's, see it you might like it. I don't understand why a lot of Classic Freddy Fans think that all the same actors are going to come back. That was the 80's. Not everything can stay the same. The story lacked, but I liked the killing. "Of course I wish there was more." Acting was Okay. "Jackie was amazing, dark, and creepy." I can't wait to get his lines, so I can talk with that voice." I would say that it wasn't to Bad!

I give this movie 3 of out 5 stars. "Freddy didn't disappoint!" 


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