Are we really willing to die for our faith? Would we really give up everything and follow Jesus? The more I see Christians I see how not focused they are and how they enjoy materialistic things. It is this topic where I have no room to talk, but I am going to step on some toes. I am not scared to admit that I am one of these Christians that sometimes put materialistic things before God. Each week I try to fast from one of these electronics. I have to ask myself sometimes, "Is this more important than my time with Jesus?" Even though I do sin and put these things before God, and I know that it is wrong in my heart. It is really hard to say No to certain things, but saying No to Jesus is wrong. I want to make it clear that I am not here to point fingers or to show who is bad. I am not here excluding myself because I am just as guilty. "Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:1-2) I so badly wish I could be more like Paul. Another person that stands up for the gospels that I recently studied was Martin Luther. So when I say are we willing to fight or die for Jesus I am being literal. How can we make this world less materialistic? We don't seem to think that these things are getting in the way of our relationship with God. If we aren't willing to give up anything 'which could be a type of fighting this world' which we don't belong. It is difficult to see that I have become just another Christian consumed by the things of this world. But I want change. I want to fight for a balance in my life.
Let's go beyond materialistic things, It begs the question are we faking it? I come to a Christian college five days a week and all I see is people joking and playing around like children. It is hard for me to see them as a young adults because all I see are children. I sometimes wish I was at a another college.When do we grow up? It is sad for me to say this, but I feel like I am in high school all over again. It has been eight years since I was in high school, but I feel like I jumped back in time. Is it immaturity? Do they not have the sense enough to grow up, and act responsible? The reason I am bringing this up is because it has been coming to my attention more lately. Another thing I've noticed is Christians not being Christlike. When bringing up the Word your first reaction shouldn't be in defense in a Christian College. Maybe this University is lost! Maybe I am not fighting hard enough! I am not saying that I don't joke around, but I like to think that I am more humble. I don't want the excuse of "their teens" to be brought to my attention because we all still have the choice to do good or evil. I don't remember this school being like it is and it angers me. It makes me upset when I have to be in a school where mostly everyone is yelling, talking, laughing, and giving the teacher no respect as he continues to teach the lesson. I want to say that we are here to focus on our relationship with God, but I am not to sure everyone is here to be Christlike. Sometimes I do feel like I act silly to often, but I want to change that. I wish I could find that in other people as well. It hurts to see other Christians joking around way to often. I understand that I can't change that at all. I can only work on myself.
As Christians we are called to take up our crosses and to follow Jesus. "Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did."(1 John 2:6) Why do we claim to follow Jesus, but it is so hard to put down our 3g blackberries or 4g iPhone's? How could this phone be more important then Jesus Christ? I just wish I could see more Christlike people in the world. Now if there were more people that were like this it would be a better world. I am not saying that there isn't people out there, but in my Christian life I have failed to find this, and as I was learning and growing this type of person would have done wonders in my life. Not everyone has the money to go to a Christian College to learn how to be Christlike. This way when converting someone we as the Church should be there to guide them to be more like Christ. It is easy to lose yourself in this world and get caught up in the ways of this world. I grew up in this world so sometimes I find it hard to say no to things that come about, but I have to learn to say no we all do. These worldly things are temptations in a fallen world. When you look around at this world and focus on what Christians have done I have realized that we have become like the world. For example we have TV ads charging money to people to know Jesus, and we sell Bibles for high prices. I feel like this is saying to the world or non-believers, "If you want to know Jesus it will only cost you 3 payments of $9.95", If we are asking for money at Church to only revamp or build from scratch a new building, how is this furthering the Kingdom of Heaven? Are we lost well I am seeing the struggle, and I wish I could do something about it. I was thinking in terms of I have been working hard the last three years to receive a piece of paper that technically says I love God to the world. When Jesus comes back that piece of paper just doesn't matter. Think about it we are charging people to learn about the Bible and our savior. Yes I understand in order to survive in this world we need money, but look at this way. It doesn't sound very Godly to charge people to know there Savior. Maybe I am wrong, but it was just a thought.
Let's go beyond materialistic things, It begs the question are we faking it? I come to a Christian college five days a week and all I see is people joking and playing around like children. It is hard for me to see them as a young adults because all I see are children. I sometimes wish I was at a another college.When do we grow up? It is sad for me to say this, but I feel like I am in high school all over again. It has been eight years since I was in high school, but I feel like I jumped back in time. Is it immaturity? Do they not have the sense enough to grow up, and act responsible? The reason I am bringing this up is because it has been coming to my attention more lately. Another thing I've noticed is Christians not being Christlike. When bringing up the Word your first reaction shouldn't be in defense in a Christian College. Maybe this University is lost! Maybe I am not fighting hard enough! I am not saying that I don't joke around, but I like to think that I am more humble. I don't want the excuse of "their teens" to be brought to my attention because we all still have the choice to do good or evil. I don't remember this school being like it is and it angers me. It makes me upset when I have to be in a school where mostly everyone is yelling, talking, laughing, and giving the teacher no respect as he continues to teach the lesson. I want to say that we are here to focus on our relationship with God, but I am not to sure everyone is here to be Christlike. Sometimes I do feel like I act silly to often, but I want to change that. I wish I could find that in other people as well. It hurts to see other Christians joking around way to often. I understand that I can't change that at all. I can only work on myself.
As Christians we are called to take up our crosses and to follow Jesus. "Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did."(1 John 2:6) Why do we claim to follow Jesus, but it is so hard to put down our 3g blackberries or 4g iPhone's? How could this phone be more important then Jesus Christ? I just wish I could see more Christlike people in the world. Now if there were more people that were like this it would be a better world. I am not saying that there isn't people out there, but in my Christian life I have failed to find this, and as I was learning and growing this type of person would have done wonders in my life. Not everyone has the money to go to a Christian College to learn how to be Christlike. This way when converting someone we as the Church should be there to guide them to be more like Christ. It is easy to lose yourself in this world and get caught up in the ways of this world. I grew up in this world so sometimes I find it hard to say no to things that come about, but I have to learn to say no we all do. These worldly things are temptations in a fallen world. When you look around at this world and focus on what Christians have done I have realized that we have become like the world. For example we have TV ads charging money to people to know Jesus, and we sell Bibles for high prices. I feel like this is saying to the world or non-believers, "If you want to know Jesus it will only cost you 3 payments of $9.95", If we are asking for money at Church to only revamp or build from scratch a new building, how is this furthering the Kingdom of Heaven? Are we lost well I am seeing the struggle, and I wish I could do something about it. I was thinking in terms of I have been working hard the last three years to receive a piece of paper that technically says I love God to the world. When Jesus comes back that piece of paper just doesn't matter. Think about it we are charging people to learn about the Bible and our savior. Yes I understand in order to survive in this world we need money, but look at this way. It doesn't sound very Godly to charge people to know there Savior. Maybe I am wrong, but it was just a thought.