Where is the grace in this worn out town?
Show me the faith we store up inside.
I want to believe in all that is invisible,
But there I go questioning again,
Falling back to my sorry heart.
You do love what I can't understand,
But this evil still tears at my heart.
I am still wavering, falling apart.
You got this light inside of me,
But I keep turning the other direction.
Lord you have me by my love,
Don’t you let go of me ever.
Where is the good that fills this city?
I want to push all of this bad aside,
And I want to abide by your strength.
Why do I fight so hard to lose continually?
Yes Lord you have my heart,
But why do I still sit and wonder?
I want to have faith in all that is invisible,
I am not invincible,
and I break so easily.
Can you put your heart outside,
So far in the open?
Your love is coming I can feel it.
Savior won’t you pull me in,
away from the wreckage?
Lord you have my heart forever.
Show me the faith we store up inside.
I want to believe in all that is invisible,
But there I go questioning again,
Falling back to my sorry heart.
You do love what I can't understand,
But this evil still tears at my heart.
I am still wavering, falling apart.
You got this light inside of me,
But I keep turning the other direction.
Lord you have me by my love,
Don’t you let go of me ever.
Where is the good that fills this city?
I want to push all of this bad aside,
And I want to abide by your strength.
Why do I fight so hard to lose continually?
Yes Lord you have my heart,
But why do I still sit and wonder?
I want to have faith in all that is invisible,
I am not invincible,
and I break so easily.
Can you put your heart outside,
So far in the open?
Your love is coming I can feel it.
Savior won’t you pull me in,
away from the wreckage?
Lord you have my heart forever.