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These words are sparks, blood dripping from my head. It's hard to polish this evil onto this white cotton. The hate is how this face is turning. All of what's wrong is always what I'll be. It's what I had that will be gone forever. The scrambled words lost in the shuffle. I continue to write myself into this bad story. Just do what they say or they will take it away. Take these pieces of what will never be. Always follow the leaders, you live by there rules. I can't remember anything, anyone that was here. I can't stand this, it's the hurt that is real. It's the burning fire that can't be put out. It's the perfectly straight wire that can't be bent. It's the loud words that can't be heard. As dark as this sounds the pain is still here. Always wrong that's who I am and that's who I'll become. At the same time you meet me you'll walk away. I'm the loser, so come beat me at will. I'm always let go, and I'll always fall. I come with the pain and suffer the most. I'm on my own, I'm all alone. You can walk on fire, but I burn to ash. All the things I had never really existed. Everything seems alright, sadness hurts the worst. I can't speak my words, so my pen speaks for me. Please look closely, so many scars that bleed so deep. Believe me I'm gone now, but I will come back.


Jcfreak said…
Wow.. Thats all i can think to say.. I really connected with the "look closely the scars bleed deep" I feel the same way people don't look close enough to see the scars that remain, instead people just keep making new scars instead of taking time to notice what is already there and helping to heal... I NEVER WANNA BE THAT PERSON THAT MAKES SCARS, I WANNA HELP HEAL THE SCARS!

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