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Who's a Real Supernatural Fan These Days?

Hiatus.Hiatus.Hiatus.....What can I say, It's always frustrating waiting 50 days until my favorite show comes back on television. This never gets easier, especially when during these 50 days I have 38 of them off for my winter break, but I digress. 
I have been a fan of Supernatural since the very first episode. I remember seeing a preview for the show with Dave Matthew's Out Of My Hands. I remember thinking "Ah, I'll give it a chance." In fact now that I think about it, the first episode I saw was 'Wendigo', but anyways it was the first time I began to get into a show after the cancellation of Angel. I was hooked right away. Jensen started early on with making me laugh. Now of course the show has transformed into something else in it's sixth season. Don't worry I am not one of those fans that complain about how the brothers aren't like they used to be in the first couple of seasons. I completely understand their character development, and let me say it's major. Especially when Jared and Jensen have the most screen time. I am also not one of those fans that watch the show, but hate everything that is going on. I don't understand if you don't like the show why are you watching it. Yes, Supernatural has some great fans, but some just don't make any sense at all. The last couple of weeks I have been reading comments fans have to say about the show, and let me tell you the things I heard.

1.) Like I said earlier, the complaining about every little thing.
2.) The loyalty to either Sam or Dean, insane! 
3.) The bickering of Sam not being involved, then when he is, There's the bickering of Dean not being involved ("for the record they are the many characters they will always be part of the story.")
4.) the annoying weeping of when Sam and Dean will be normal again. 
5.) And the most crazy is that "Sara Gamble is picking favorites" 
6.) #1 quote from fans "I am tired of the souless Sam story." 

Now, this is amazing! how loyal Supernatural fans are. I am so glad. I look at this and I am happy and sad all at the same time, because just like all the other genre shows like this one, they never get the credit they deserve.The CW does a horrible job at promoting this show. When are they going to realize that shows like Buffy, Angel, Smallville have been holding the WB, The CW up for years. 
Now back to the show, Why do we complain so much? When are we going to just sit back and just enjoy the story that is being told before the Network takes another show that we love off the air? And trust me the story is fine, lets stop yelling at Sara Gamble, okay! She's doing great! What happened to being a fan of Supernatural? Did we all just latch onto a Character, and say forget about everyone else, and focus only on my favorite. Are we all blind? Come on, there's a bigger picture here. Of course I have questions like Why didn't Castiel see that Christian was a Demon in Family Matters? And Why is Castiel one minute the power of heaven, and the next the butt of some silly jokes? Don't get me wrong it was funny seeing Cas watch porn, and then show what he learned on Meg, but doesn't that degrade is character a bit? I like the whole souless Sam story, and I am not tired of it. Now that it looks like the rest of the season will be about souls, and Sam dealing with his. I read a lot of fans say "I am a big fan of the family dynamic of the show, and then say but my favorite is Dean or Sam." So I can't understand why fans watch the show then complain about it, and then threaten to stop watching, then continue to watch. I am one of those fans that like the writing, and the stories. Of course I think Jared and Jensen do a amazing job, they proved themselves as great actors, and I would never hate this show. Lets face it, name me one other show that is like this? Right! there isn't one! So, why can't we just sit back relax, stop bickering, and enjoy the time we have with this show? If you are a real fan then you'll do just that.


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