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Interviews of Me

Interview. Part 1

What did you want to be when your where a kid?, Why?

- “Growing up I always played and watched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I for some reason wanted to be Raphael when I grew up, but I didn’t have a clue I was to young. My family jokes me to this day about that. The honest truth is that I don‘t really remember what I thought I wanted to be. I guess I was to busy being a kid.”

Rank your top five movies?

- 5. The Dark Knight
  4. Inception
  3. Smart People
  2. Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind
  1. Garden State

Why these five movies?

- “I like movies I can relate to. Have a connection with. Kind of like when your meeting someone for the first time.”

If you had the chance to meet somebody, anyone who would it be?

- “I always thought that this would be hard for me, but now ten years later this is very simple. I would like to meet Ellen Page because she is my age and I think we would get along. It’s more likely we could start a friendship then somebody like older and in the Hollywood spotlight.”

These are a little more personal are you up for it?

- “Sure!”

What is your biggest fear in life?

- “Let me think….I would have to say being alone. Kind of where I am at right now. I am alone! Yeah, I am living my fear. Lol. It’s like you have nobody to share with. Nobody to connect with, Laugh with. I never thought of it as it has to be love, but maybe just a friend. I never thought that at this point in my life I would be completely without friends. Friendless. I mean I am used to it by now, but you never want to give into your fears. I pray everyday that I’ll meet someone.”

When and who was your last relationship with?

- “Now that’s a little personal don’t you think? Who? A girl named Rachel. When? Well it ended about a year ago.”

Why did it end? And did you love her?

- “Until this day I don’t have a straight answer of why it ended. Maybe it was because she didn’t like me anymore, or she cheated on me. I think that would be up to her because everytime I talk to her she gives me a different answer. Yes, I did love her. She was amazing, and if she was still here I would love her.”

Was that the last time you felt love?

- “I don’t know what that was. It was different. I don’t know if she really felt love. Maybe you should interview her? I feel love from the Lord everyday, but no, that was the last time I was in a relationship that I felt love from another person.”

How did you handle it after breaking up?

- “I think I was the worst at it. I mean It hurt like hell. It was like being on a ship for so long and then they (the other person) straps you to the anchor and pushes you into the water. You start going down, but your fighting it. What I am trying to say is that your so close with them, and then one day you don’t even know who they are, or where they are. My heart hurt. I guess I was the only one in love.

Interview Part 2

Now that you are single what type of girl are you looking for?

- “Someone that is creative, funny, and keeps me on my toes. I always thought that I was looking for this special person, but the truth is I am looking for someone that is like me. I feel that I am attracted to someone like that. She must be a follower of God. That’s a must. Someone that wants a family in the future. Someone that loves to have fun, and have exciting experiences.”

Why is it a must for this girl to know God?

- “Because I know God and it would just be hard for me to be with them if they didn’t. I mean I like to attend church, and I am going to a Christian college, so that would put her right in the thick of things with me. It would make it easier.”

If you could describe yourself in the music you listen to what genre of music would you be?

- “Who would I be? Not Country! Lol. I would be Indie Rock/ Folk. I guess I am open to anything, you know. It’s hard to narrow it down because I am all over the place with music.”

List your top five bands?

-  5. Damien Rice
   4. The Shins
   3. Alcoholic Faith Mission
   2. Delta Spirit
   1. Brand New

Where you always this creative type of person? If not when did you change?

- “No I wasn’t always creative. I remember it perfectly I was a senior in High School, and I was listening to Our Lady Peace- Gravity. I just spit out a poem, and I felt that I should try this. I never thought that now looking back I would have a blog, and have over 300 poems in counting.”

Do you remember your first poem? And could you share it?

- “Yes, In fact I do remember it.”

Holding On

How do you feel?
How do you hate?
How do you wake up with that smile on your face?

Nothing seems to help.
Nothing seems to work.
Nothing seems to fall in place for me.

I’m losing my time.
I’m losing my touch.
I’m losing my sight.
Nothing seems to be alright.

I’m losing my mind.
I’m losing my pride.
I’m losing the space that I have left behind.
I’m losing my heart.
I’m losing my dream that I once had.
I’m losing my life.

I’m out of the drive.
I’m out of the run.
I need a fresh start.
I can’t let go.
I need to hold on.

Was that perfect for you?

- “Poems are never perfect, they always need correction, but that one I’ll always keep the same. It’s funny I never told anyone about that one. I wrote that in early 2005. The poet was born. I had a friend at the time that was on board with me keeping this poetry thing up. Kirk was his name, what a great person.”

When will you finally give up on writing how you feel?

- “Never. Lol. I will always write how I feel. It’s my gift, and I want to share with people.”

Will you ever give up writing poetry?

- “I find it getting harder and harder to write about different things because over the years I have touched on a lot of topics. When I get bored with it. Honestly I don’t know who reads my work if anyone. I hope that one day somebody will see this form of art and be able to relate with it. I never wanted to be a famous Poet. I just wanted to connect with people.”

Does it make it harder when you have nobody around?

- “Yes, I mean I must not be that great because my own family can’t even take a couple minutes out of there busy day and read them. Lol. It’s not like it’s not out there for the world to see. Maybe there just not seeing it?”

How has your life changed your writing?

- “As a person you go through things, and it effects everything. I mean when I was depressed I wrote about my depression. When I was heart broken I wrote about being heart broken, and so on. For my readers they have gotten to read those poems about me, and what I have been through. I find it harder to write about happiness, and trust me I am trying my best.”

Any New Ideas?

- “lately I have been watching real movies that I can relate with and writing about what the characters are going through.”

What Movies?

- “Not many I just started with that. I’ve done The Nines, Smart People, Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind, Inception, and I am currently working on Garden State.”


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