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I Had A Dream

**      "It started with me running from my old room as a kid. I believe I was terrified. I can see myself shaking, there was something evil in my room. I went to go tell my Mother and Step-father, but they didn't believe me. They got really angry with me, it was like I was a kid again, and I would get yelled at for the dumbest things. It took me awhile but I finally convinced my sister that there was something evil in my room. I don't remember if see felt what I felt, but she did have my back. I remember texting my Mother, but she was glued to my Step-fathers decision to be mad at me. She was his Lieutenant in this war, but it wasn't the war they thought, or was it? I recall a party and my house was filled to the rim with people. I talked to some people, and told them about what was in my room. Some choose to see for themselves, but came back mocking me, and laughing at me. One person even suggested to pull out a weegie board. I felt a overwhelming hate against me. After thinking it over I had the idea to bring a bunch of people in my room, and pray to God with me, but that's when I realized that I was the only one there that believed in God. I was all alone. Later on everyone left the house, and I send my Step-father words from the bible, and then he began to yell at me. I knew whatever it was the Devil had control of all the people I loved. That's when I started to yell back. "You only pray to God when you want something for yourself. You really are nothing, a waste, and I hate you." Words that are not so true, but have meaning to me. I can remember being so scared of everything around me that I started to cry, again like I was a little kid again. There was something evil in my room, and it wanted to kill me in my sleep. After teary eyes dripped down my face, my Mother began to talk to me. "You must not live in fear, as long as I am here nothing can hurt you, you are safe." That's when I woke up.

            I was terrified of the evil that lived in my room. I have looked at this dream as a fear, or a message to me from God. If you look at all the people around me, or this world. It is filled with people that aren't believers in Christ. As a kid growing up I was always in fear of being yelled at. My mother, Step-father, and sister would all yell at me, and deep down it's a fear that I still have every single day of my life. I don't show it, but it's there. I can really understand this dream. I am alone and everyone that I love is my enemy (the Devil). Something evil lives where I sleep, and it scars the hell out of me (the Devil). He turns all of my family against me like attack dogs being let off of there leashes. He uses fear to take control of my life, and everyone that he touches he turns them into a perfectly hidden enemy ready to jump out and attack me.Where were the Christians? My fellow brothers, and sisters in Christ. My sister was there, but it was like she had one foot in and one foot out in her belief. This is very much like most Christians today. The struggle to jump all in. What I said to my Step-father wasn't all true, but it meant a lot for the believers. Do we just pray to God when we want something for ourselves? 

           Things in our lives jump out at us, but that doesn't mean we have to run and hide from every little thing. This dream is a perfect example of a Spiritual War that is happening right in front of us, and we can't even see it. The Devil was in my head, and I couldn't get him out (The fear). My Mother gave me some advice, but was that really my Mother's words? I believe honestly that it was God talking through my Mother. I did wake up after He spoke. Was he trying to wake me up from a nightmare? He did say that I was safe. No matter which away you look at this dream, I am convinced that it was more of a message. Even though you may not be surrounded by Christians, that doesn't mean that God isn't there to keep you safe from Lucifer and his minions. I'll take the positive out this nightmare!

**(This was a real nightmare I had on Feb 8, 2011.)


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