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Building Better Relationships for God

Unrevealed to the closet inside your room, but hidden in society. There are so many Christians today that hide all of their struggles from the world. When it is time to stand up for who we are, we cower behind someone that is more willing to participate in the unveiling of their souls. Why do we act so fake in front of people we are supposed to love? Why do we put on a smile and nod our heads and laugh to silly jokes? Do we not understand that God sees our falling on our knees crying, our snot bubbles, our fear and anger, yelling at the ceiling begging for change, but we are too scared for someone that feels the same to see us that way! So yes when we pass someone on the street we talk for two seconds faking our way to our happy endings. I am the Christian that wants so bad to work; I love the places I go, and the people I get to share with. But you don’t know me, world; you don’t know me, Church because your effort is effortless. We are called to worship everyday of our lives not on our scheduled times on Wednesday’s and Sunday’s. It sadness me to hear people talk about how they come to Sunday morning services to get their batteries charged for the week. It is hard to hear because I used to believe this as well, but I was completely wrong in believing that. We should seek our relationship with God every single day with praying, praising, singing, dancing, crying, and laughing with God. This is what will renew you every single day of your life. Why do we confine ourselves to a building? We are the Church not a building. Our offerings become to build a better more electronically advanced society excepting home. Each church I have been in the offering was always about building a bigger better building, but never to advance the kingdom of God. We can have church outside and fellowship in the sunlight, and God would still bless us, and love us.
            So who are we that we have to fake our way through relationships because we can no longer trust the people around us? Of all the people I have met in my life I have never met someone that hasn’t been hurt by somebody else. But it is really easy to avoid the hurting people because our problems are so much worse than theirs? Here I am again calling out fellow Christians and myself as well. I find all of these flaws in myself and every day I do my best to change them, but I also see them in the Church. It is sad that I have been going to my Church for the past two years and haven’t since recently gotten to know the people around me. I am not sure what I was thinking about by not getting to know anyone. I was hurt by so many other people so I felt that my problems where so much bigger and ignoring the people around me was the best thing. I am not ashamed to say I was wrong, and I am doing my best to change that for the better. Where would I get the idea that people I didn’t even know would treat me the same way as the ones that hurt me? For another example I used to wear this mask all the time towards everyone, and I faked what was truly going on. It wasn’t until God put someone in my life that won’t accept this fake person I had become. I wish we could refocus ourselves on God, and not on our embarrassing tails of the past, or our fears we don’t want to slip out. Naturally as a person you don’t want your dirty secrets to come pouring out, but in all honesty if you can’t look to someone to trust and speak out your worries besides God. It will be easy to lose your connection with people and helping them live a life for Christ.
     Do we realize that we are hiding behind our flaws? I am not one to say that I don’t do this either, but I wish I could see the change in people’s hearts. How far are we willing to go to get what we want? I mean to resent someone, or to build hate towards another person because you didn’t get what you wanted, and that does sound insane. I bring this up because these last couple of weeks it has all I have been seeing. It is hard on me because yes I want to get angry at them back, but I have been holding my tongue because I don’t want to say hurtful words or something I don’t believe is true. I have been doing that a lot lately even if someone is there cussing me out for something immature. I have been a part of a situation for about seven months and I have made my mistakes along the way, and I want to move passed it, but I don’t want everyone to be mad or have hate towards each other. I know this is not too original but it applies “Can’t we all just get along?” Even though I can’t address it directly here because it isn’t my place to say something without consent by those involved, but I do feel bad and I pray for the day that we can all sit down and resolve it and leave with a Godly outlook and love each other through the blood of Christ. I wish I could say that this could happen but at this point I am not sure that it will ever happen. Every day is a constant chance to change, grow and learn from our mistakes the key thing is that we want to learn from them and grow. I have to ask myself a lot whether this situation is worth resolving, but the truth is it is worth it. I am trying to move on, but believe it in or not resolving it will make a big difference. I understand that God is going to put people in our lives for different reasons, but He never tells us that when we are done that we need to grow resentment and anger towards them. I would like to think He would want me to have positive outlook and have a mature ending to the relationship. Just like the Church we need to try better, work harder. We call people at Church our family but do we treat them that way outside of Church? I challenge you to build better relationships with your Church family, and if something needs to be resolved with an old friend or in a relationship end on Godly terms. I am certainly going to do my best and I hope you can as well. God Bless!


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