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A Drifters Heart

"I find myself watching while all the good things in life go by, but the truth is I am waiting for someone or something to come in my life and shake things up. Consider me the ocean just waiting for someone to toss a stone, or drive a boat through me, but for heaven sake please make a splash. My mind tense to wander when I have to much time on my hands, and this is one of those times. We are always looking for something perfect, and I wish we would just realize that nothing is perfect. All we seem to do is complain about our life's, day in and day out. The thing is we are two damn spoiled, that we are looking for something that isn't out there. Why can't we just be happy with what we have? I have no idea because everyone is just looking for something more, something that gives them just a little more high then what they have. Are we the land of greed, or is it just me? What is this world I am living in? It's strange, there are people here that don't understand what love is? These people I speak of they think money equals love, but what it really means is the destruction of the planet. This green paper that we so willingly bow down to is making small fires, and it's burning through all the beauty in this world. And the farther I seem to fall away from all the corruption of this great nation, it's seems not to matter because I am a ant, and my love is eating me alive. Is it only me that feels tired of all the things surrounding me. The dirty filthy things that hang over our heads waiting for us to make a mistake. Let me say you can choose not to believe in the Devil, but that doesn't mean he can't still attack you. I am tired of looking for the "one", I am tried of people talking about the "one", when it doesn't exist. The truth is I can act all that I want, that when I meet someone that nothing bad is going to happen, but it's not true. Why are we looking for someone so perfect? Why can't someone that tolerates your crazy actions, and goes along with all of your last minute plans, Why can't someone falling in love with your goofy obsessions, with someone that makes you laugh, that when you are at your bottom they are there to lift you up, Why can't that person that loves you for who you really are, and that will do anything for you, Why isn't that perfect enough? It's just like the rest of the damn world they confuse love for money. Yeah, I am living pay check to check, and maybe one day I'll sell big, but it's not about the money for me. It's sad that, that is all you see. So if your one of those people that is looking for this perfect engineered person with all the money in the world, well then good luck at being cold the rest of your life. I hope your fantasies play out in your reality."


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