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An Amazing Year

This is the first time in a long time which I can say that I had a really great year. Past years I have been bogged down by the worst things possible happening in my life. Now I am not saying this year there  hasn't been some ups and down's because there was a lot. The difference about this year is the fact that I can be completely blindsided and get back on my feet. I learned from the past few years that you just have to take it one day at a time, or you will just get lost in this world. After a dreadful last couple of years, 2011 started with me on my knee's praying to God. Then one single thing changed everything in my life. I wish I could describe what had happened. If you look back at my posts of January, I was kinda in a selfish not caring mood, but this thing changed that in an instant. See what had happen it wasn't a new job, or winning the lottery, and I didn't become famous. It was this beautiful girl that I met. When we first met I was fighting the idea of getting my hopes up, all I could remember was my last relationship. After the first month with this girl, I knew things were different. They were different for a reason. I have always had this idea of having a great job, marrying this beautiful girl, and having a family of my own. It wasn't until I started to look at myself from a different light that I could truly understand who I was, and who I will be the rest of my life.

A lot of things happened in 2011, and I didn't expect an of it at all. Every day is a brand new life where we change, and learn. The day I knew that I loved her was the day my heart changed. Before I met her I was strung up on heartbreak, and I struggled to cut the strings. You could say I was selfish, mopey, maybe even depressed. My relationship with God was in and out. I didn't like my life at all. How quickly your view of your life can change for the better. Everyday since I have met this girl has been just amazing, and also challenging, but mostly amazing. This is the first year of my life that I have been in love through the holidays, and it's great every second of each day. The truth is that I have been blind this entire time to what was happening to me. The funny things is until actually writing this I didn't see what has been laid out in front of me. What a mistake on my part to think that I did all of this.....I was never pushed in this miracle, nobody forced me into this happiness. Every day is a blessing from God, and he has surely provided for me, and I never thought of it like that. The thing is during the time I was feeling mopey, selfish, depressed..I continued to pray for my future wife. I know this sounds clear enough to realize right away, but this world has a way of distracting us from the amazing works of God. I didn't spend all those nights praying for masses of amounts of money, I was praying for a loving Wife. God has given me exactly that. I can't harp on my realization, I just need to praise, and be a better man of God. It has truly been an amazing year.   


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