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The Year 2011

In the beginning of 2011 I wrote a post in which I called this year to be the year in question. The question is, was it really? The truth is 2011 surprised me to the fullest. This year I struggled with a lot of things, but as of now days before 2012, I am pretty damn happy about this year. I once wondered if I would ever find someone that I could love and trust. The answer to that is I found so much more. I found beauty. At one point of this year I felt that I have finally found my other half. I found the girl that was going to love me no matter what. I found that I can lose her just as fast as I found her way back on January 23. I am not here to get all sad and tell you how I want to end my life; in fact it’s just the opposite. I learned a great lesson, and that is there are people out there that have love in their hearts. Even though it didn’t work out, and it has been really hard letting her go. I mean I think about her a lot. I still care about her life even though I am not in it anymore. I pray about her every day. I am not here to call her out, because I still love her, and if she wants to be far away from me than I am willing to suck up my feelings and move on. I know that sounds crazy, but isn’t that what love is all about? If you truly love someone you would do anything for them. In my case it’s walking away. What can I say? she was the best thing that happened to me this year. I loved every memory that still floats around my head. There wasn’t really any bad memory besides our break-up. I truly believe that we had something more than just “puppy love” But anyways, This year has put all those things from years past in front of me. Because I know my goals now, I know what I am looking for, and I know all I need is God. Whenever something bad happens in my life, or something good He is always there. This year I realized that I am a loving person that truly cares about people, I learned that when I am truly happy the child deep inside comes out. This year gave me a lot of days of smiling, the most in a long time. This year I lost someone in my life that meant a lot to me. I struggled with this for months. I proved this year when I put in hard work I can do anything. I had multiple trips to the movie theater to see; Green Hornet, Roommate, Adjustment Bureau, The Help, Footloose, Contagion, Paranormal Activity 3, and Twilight: Breaking Dawn. The best movie I saw this year was 50/50. I spent the year searching endless hours for new music. I had fun this year. Yeah, I have my days were I am sad about what happened, but I trust that it was for the best. It is not every day that you meet someone that has this beauty inside that puts a smile on your face. This year I read a lot more books than years past. This year was awesome, exciting, exhilarating, beautiful, amazing. I kind of feel bad because I don’t want it to end. I want to go all the way back to the beginning and do it all over again. The truth is if I could I won’t change much. In fact I honestly believe it would have all ended differently if I could have went back and changed some things. Now that I have told you about the great things that went on in my life this year here are some things that didn’t go so well. (1) The passing away of a great Uncle. (2) Breaking up with a truly amazing person. (3) The relationships “Nothing fights”. (4) Almost getting kicked out of my house. (5) Not finding a job. (6) Dental problems. It’s hard to say I had no regrets, but that would be lying. I regret not trying harder to find a job. I regret rising my voice at the people I love. I regret not doing more to help out my mother. Of course I can go on for days. But in closing this year was my favorite. What I want for 2012 is; I want be real friends with that beautiful girl instead of someone to avoid. I want to find a job. I want to fall in love all over again. I want to make new friends. I want to buy a car. I want to find my own place. Most importantly I want to have a smile on my face. So I raise my glass to one of the best years of my life. I hope 2012 will be even better.


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